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17/07/2021 - Minutes of meeting

Minutes of the RAMSF  AGM 17.07.2021


Present – Les Basham, Mark Emsley, Mervyn Evans, Sue Garrod, Paul O’keefe and Dennis Tattoo.


Apologies – Mark and Tom Ames, Simon Browne, Nick Hammond, John Handley and Andrew Whitefield.



Dennis thanked everybody for coming and welcomed them to the meeting suggesting that it would probably be a short one but felt that it was important to meet a) to be constitutionally correct and b) to sum up a strange year and set out some plans for the next one.


Minutes of Previous Meeting

Merv gave a resume of last year’s minutes. Apart from highlighting events that didn’t happen for obvious reasons beyond our control, there was nothing new or contentious and the minutes were accepted as read.


Financial Report

The accounts were presented by Les (two sheets attached*) and highlighted the awards to Stow Falcons and three tennis club donations. Due to obvious reasons, there had been very little activity over the year. Once again it had proved more difficult to disperse money than to amass it!  It was re-iterated that the constitution had been tweaked to increase the umbrella of possible recipients.  An annual bursary of £250 is to be made to the three clubs and in addition more individual and club bursaries are to be made. Dennis pointed out that we have done well to ’keep going’ as so many organisations have folded. Paul expressed a fear that we would exceed our financial limits for a small charity.  Sue felt that we shouldn’t feel afraid to give money away to other local bodies. Den thought the personal touch was important, and posed the question, ‘can we get out to more clubs and make them aware of what is available?’ Les pointed out how important the help we had given to the tennis players had been. The recipients were all very talented, but tennis is an expensive sport and our bursaries had been greatly appreciated. Paul highlighted a connection with a local snowboarder who is involved with the  training squad. Den expressed a hope that more coverage (tennis and football articles)in the local press would bring more applicants forward.


* The sheets referred to above as being attached were presented to the meeting but are not reproduced here.


Chair’s Report:

The extraordinary events of the last 18 months that have affected people around the world are important context to this report. Measures taken by the government over much of the last two years have shaped the lives of people at home, at work and in their spare time. In turn, this has impacted on what our small charity has been able to achieve.


Despite these challenging circumstances our small charity has continued to undertake work that Ron would be pleased about.


Highlights since our June 2020 AGM include:

- The launch of the RAMSF website.

- The Ride for Ron fundraising event.

- Fund raising through open water swimming.

- Planned fund raising by Tom Ames through his sponsored triathlon.

- A second RAMSF Golf Day supported by nearly 30 golfers.

- The awarding of bursaries to four sports clubs.

- The awarding of bursaries to three young tennis players.

- The organisation and awarding of RAMSF logoed framed certificates to those who receive bursaries.


Going forward there are tentative plans for a quiz evening, a Walk for Ron Day, and another golf event.


The real challenge for a small charity is to be able to maintain initial momentum, especially in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. I am

certain, however, that we can rise to this challenge and maintain the good work started in 2019 and which carries the name of our special friend.


Heartfelt thanks to the trustees who have continued to work hard in support of the fund. Amongst the non-trustees who have been especially helpful are Steve Cooper for his help with designing the certificates and co-planning the website and John Raffel for leading on the planning and maintaining the website.


Finally, I would like to thank everyone for their support throughout this difficult time and look forward to the fund being able to support youth sports in Stowmarket in the coming years.


Dennis Tattoo



Secretary’s Report

This was very brief as most items had been covered elsewhere in the meeting. Dennis’ report was praised as it summed up what had been a very tricky year yet still remained very positive. The golf day was mentioned in the report but sadly looked as if it will become another victim of the current situation (discussed further below). Minute taking and press releases continue to be the main function of the secretary.


Plans for 2021-22

Events for the next twelve months. Dennis raised the idea of a quiz as it had been so successful last time. Sue saw no problem with organising one, but it would obviously depend on the pandemic situation and restrictions imposed (this condition was obviously applicable to all ideas mooted). Les was keen to see a Trail run/walk using a local pub as a base, with the possibility of food in addition to a drink, after the event. Merv suggested the Shepherd and Dog as they were very supportive of the RAMSF and it looked as if we would be pulling out of the post golf meal. It was thought that early September would be a good time. Sue and Les to pursue. Den suggested possible walk and had some ideas but they were a little ‘sensitive’ and he would need to do some further research. It was hoped that Nic will be prepared to do another bike ride event, and Tom’s open water swimming would continue. All future events to go on the website.


Summary of hoped for/intended events for the year:

Bike Ride – Nic

Golf Day – Merv

Quiz - Sue

Open Water Swim – Tom

Trail Run – Les/Sue

Walk - Den


There was a general feeling that as a group we have done very well to ‘keep the ball rolling’ in what has been a very challenging year.

 It was thought to be particularly touching that the most recent bursary had been made to the Stow Falcons under eights football team. A team that Ron’s grandson plays for.


Any Other Business

There being no other matters, the meeting finished at 11.40.

Vice Chairperson

Dennis Tattoo


Sue Garrod

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